One of my hopes from this hike is that there will be a ripple effect; that others will also be open and willing to answer as Samuel did, when they hear God calling them to action. The way that this group of people has jumped into action has shown me that it is possible for this ripple effect to happen. In fact, I would say that it's already begun. I was not the original catalyst. I am merely one small part in the ripple effect. The catalyst to me came in the words of and through the relationships with my dear sisters in Christ on a women's retreat last October. Each one of them may be able to tell you that the catalyst for them, came from somewhere else. The pebble has been cast and now the endless waves of ripples have begun to spread across the water's surface.

Now, if you will, imagine that each one of us is a pebble, placed on this earth for a specific reason at a specific time. The energy in the ripples that each one of us creates in the world around us, has tremendous power. Those ripples have the ability to continue on into eternity. Just look at the pebble that Jesus cast. He was on this earth for only a short 33 years before disappearing below the surface of the water, but over two thousand years later, the ripples that went out from his pebble are still moving outward and changing the lives of countless people every minute of every day. What if we all saw ourselves as pebbles? What if we embraced the ripple effect and realized that everything we do has an effect, good or bad, on those around us? What if we embraced the power in that ripple effect and channeled that power to change the world?
I think that that's what Christ might have had in mind when he gave the great commission. Twelve ordinary men altered the course of history and showed us the window to the Kingdom of God that Christ himself revealed. They realized that if they could show the truth to a couple of people at a time, then God could take those people and use them to show another group, and another... The ripples caused by the apostles, are still moving out from their pebbles, long after they slipped below the surface of the water. The fact that the ripples that we create continue on after we depart from this life, encourages me to remember that I may never see the full effect of the ripples that I create. I may be fortunate enough to see a small ripple effect, but it is possible and maybe even probable that I will never see the full ripple effect. It gives me great pause and makes me think about the type of ripples of which I will be the catalyst. Will the ripples that move out from my life help to build the Kingdom or destroy it? Will I use my words and deeds in this life to point back to Christ, continuing the ripple effect that He started thousands of years ago?
I've spent a lot of time thinking about the impact of the individual. I often times find myself wondering if it really is possible for a single individual to make a difference in this world. When I consider the ripple effect, I see that, yes, it is possible for one individual to make a difference. Each person's ripples begin in their immediate communities and spread from there, through the lives of the other people that they interact with. So, "let your light shine before all peoples, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). I encourage you to embrace the ripple effect that your life has on those around you. Let us channel the power of the ripple effect and use it to bring about the Kingdom of God.
It all starts with a pebble...
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